Globalmediapro SCT KC02 Keyboard for HUS03-4K6G Presentation Switcher

In Stock $49.00
Globalmediapro SCT KC02 Keyboard for HUS03-4K6G Presentation Switcher
KC02 is a control keypad made to intuitively control HUS03-4K6G, with an easy contact closure connection. Match the corresponding pin between HUS03-4K6G and KC02 with normal core wire, then one can switch the channel from the keypad.


Contact Closure contacts
LED: To enable LED indications on the control keypad
5V: To provide 5V for the control keypad
GND: To connect a ground wire for the control keypad
USB-C: Connect a control keypad module to trigger USB-C button
HDMI 1: Connect a control keypad module to trigger HDMI 1 button
HDMI 2: Connect a control keypad module to trigger HDMI 2 button
Blank: Connect a control keypad module to trigger Blank button

