What is a Postal code (ZIP code)?

A postal code, or ZIP code, is a unique number assigned to a post office or mail sorting center. If your country has a postal code system, which is the case for the majority of countries, it is crucial that you provide the correct postal code for your delivery address. Instead of using a regional postal code associated with a central post office, it is important to use your local postal code associated with the postal office that serves your specific address.

If you are unsure of your postal code, you can visit any postal office in your area for assistance. Providing the correct postal code is crucial because it helps the courier to expedite delivery and ensure that your order is delivered to the correct address. For instance, there may be similar street names in different areas of your city, and a parcel addressed through a central post office could be incorrectly routed.

See also: What is a PO BOX (Post Office Box)?